Top 10 Healthy Hangover Cures

August 25, 2016

Ditch the fry-up and forget the fizz - there are healthier ways to help your body recover after a big night.

Look we’ve all been there. Waking up after a big night with nausea and a throbbing head is never fun, but fearnot, through extensive research in the office , we present to you our top 10 healthy hangover cures which hopefully will relieve you from that that belly full of regret.

Note: If you want to dive in deeper to living a healthier lifestyle then check out our employee wellness programs guide here.

Before we get started with this awesome list, we should really be responsible and tell you the best cure is abstaining from alcohol all together or drinking in moderation, but as you’re undoubtedly going to laugh in our faces, let’s kick off with the list.

Rehydration Sachets

Always keep a box of rehydration sachets in your kitchen cupboard as the sachet powder (combined with water0 work wonders to counteract the effects of alcohol in your bloodstream. Thing is, if you want to truly see the rejuvenating effect that rehydration drinks have against booze, you need to consume one of these before you go to bed, as the sugar in the powder helps regulate your blood sugar levels, while the minerals and electrolytes help the body replace lost fluids.


The body loses many essential minerals and vitamins during your big night the day before. Oats consist of many of these nutrients, including Vitamin B (good for the liver and mood) and magnesium, calcium and iron. Oats also help neutralise acidity levels in the body, clean the liver, absorb toxins and slowly raise blood sugar levels. All in all, waking up and making yourself a bowl of porridge isn’t such a bad idea.


Alcohol causes blood sugar levels to drop which can cause you to feel weak and shaky. Watermelon helps reduce theses effects as its high in fructose (which is a fruit sugar) and is also a highly concentrated fruit helping to rehydrate the body.


Pickles contain a number of nutrients, including vitamin A, iron, potassium, vitamin K, calcium, and manganese. So eating a couple of pickles can help increase your sodium levels steadying your vitamin and mineral levels

Coconut Water

Coconut water has a similar effect on hangovers as rehydration drinks. Coconut water, which contains essential electrolytes (including calcium, potassium and magnesium) to boost hydration, and is also soothing for the stomach. Coconut water also has the same five electrolytes found in human blood whereas sports drinks only have two.

Honey & Lemon Tea

Honey helps in removing the harmful effect of alcohols because of the fructose present, while lemon juice is great for regulating the level of sugar in your blood. Give it a try.


As we have now established, the best way to treat a hangover is to rehydrate the body. This can be done through what you eat as much as what you drink. To increase your fluids and sodium levels and get some important nutrients all at once, try some health-boosting vegetable or miso soup. As an added benefit, soup is easy on the stomach so it’s easy to eat if you’re feeling a bit nauseous.


Ginger reduces the oxidative stress to your stomach as well as blocking the serotonin receptors in the stomach that lead to nausea. You could try adding some grated ginger to hot water for a ginger tea, blending into a fresh fruit or vegetable juice, or snacking on ginger biscuits for stomach-soothing satisfaction.



Firstly, eggs are high in protein, which helps raise mood-boosting serotonin levels as well as helping to reduce nausea. Furthermore, eggs are rich in an amino acid called cysteine, which helps fight against the alcohol-induced toxins that contribute to your hangover.


Bananas are filled with potassium and magnesium, which are two important minerals that become depleted when we drink alcohol. A lack of potassium in the body can cause nausea, weakness and tiredness, so eating bananas can help reduce these hangover symptoms. Bananas are natural antacids so great for reducing stomach acid, and are good for providing a boost of energy if you have a busy day ahead. Finally, bananas are quick and easy to eat and can be consumed on the go which makes it our number one hangover cure.

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