Popular Questions

How do I sign up?

Select a convenient venue nearby on the night/level that works by visiting the sport and searching closest league by postcode. You can also use our Search Tool Here

You can enter any league as an individual, with a friend or two (a small group), or as full team (eg work colleagues or friends outside the office)

Pay for the full 8-12 weeks upfront and we’ll send your full league details 1 week before the league starts

Individuals – you pay for full season before the league starts and then we’ll add you to another team of individuals looking for team-mates of a similar level (Remember 70% of all new members join like this not knowing anyone else!)

Small Groups – you have a friend or two, but not enough for a full team. You ALL enter as individuals but note down during registration process (Click “Joining with friends”) the names of your friends – and we’ll be sure to put your all in the same team!

Full Teams– a captain registers & pays for the whole team and then collects subs/monies back from team-mates. You can add as many players to your team as you wish. Team entry works out quite a lot cheaper per player than joining as individuals. Full payment is in advance rather than weekly to ensure teams are committed to playing every week

When will I receive fixtures & information of my team?

We aim to email you your fixtures 1 week before your start date. However, in busy periods you may not receive fixtures until 48 hours before the start date.

Your fixtures will be visible when you login to your account (along with your ‘League Standings’ – which are updated the day after every game).

Can I attend a free trial session before committing?

Sports Leagues: You are welcome to visit a league before committing to joining to watch the league in action and chat to some members. However, please contact us before deciding to visit a venue as we would need to ensure the league manager and facility are expecting you and have you on our records. 

If I can’t join on the specified start date, can I still join now?

Yes. But fixtures begin on a certain date, so if you are unable to attend the first or any subsequent fixture, you should inform your team-mates so they can find a substitute player/stand-in for you


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