Each game is 40 minutes long and will consist of 2 x 18 minute halves with a 1-2 minute break between.
6 players maximum on the pitch at one time
Mixed Leagues – 3 girls MUST be on the pitch at all times. If less that 2 girls turn up for a team then the game can be played as an official match but only if the opposing team are happy to do so.
A game can officially be played with 4 players on the pitch for one team.
If a team arrives with players filling in from other league teams (ringers) or the referee steps in then the other team must decide BEFORE push back if they wish for the result to count towards the standings or whether to play the game as a friendly. This decision must be clear to all teams involved BEFORE starting.
Teams have until 10 minutes past the designated start time to field a legal team. The length of the game will be reduced to stick to time scales and it must be clear if the game is to be played as a friendly BEFORE starting.
No matter the level of competition, keeping the leagues safe and social for all involved is our highest priority. We expect all participants in our leagues to uphold these values, and will not tolerate any level of disrespect or abuse (verbal, or physical) towards our umpires, the staff at our venues or other league participants. This includes swearing, using threatening language or aggressive body language.
Please note that we will treat any reports of the above with the highest level of seriousness, and we reserve the right to eject any player or team that we deem as acting against this policy with no refund. Remember, all players are representatives of their team and we thank you in advance for bringing a fun, social and respectful atmosphere to our leagues!
Substitutions can be made at any point during the game and are “rolling”. The substitute(s) must be off the pitch before the new player(s) comes on and must enter the pitch at the same place the player left the pitch. Play will not stop for substitutions. This includes after a goal, during a free hit etc.
Play will continue regardless of substitutions. If a team time-wastes during a switch then play will be handed over for a free hit / re-start to the other team.
There is no limit to the amount of substitutions a team can make during a game
In our indoor hockey leagues goalkeepers and kicking back positions are not in place. This means that all 6 players are ‘out-field’ positions and may not use their feet and/or body as per usual rules for out-field positions.
The goal areas are displayed on court by the ‘D’. Line markings may vary at each venue but will be indicated by the umpire before a match.
Results will be awarded with 3 points for a win, 2 for a draw, 1 for a loss and 0 for a forfeit
We will be able to deduct 1 point for a forfeit at our own discretion
Drawn playoff games will be decided on penalties
The updated standings will be posted weekly after games and will display each team’s ranking and fixture results.
League Formats
League formats depend on the number of teams entering the league and the length of the season. Leagues may simply be a single season with the winner decided on a points standing or there may be play-off’s and finals weeks to decide league winners. We aim to run with a Play-off week and a Finals nights where possible.
Recreational Level Rules
(see further down for intermediate/competitive level rules)
- Player Numbers – This is a six a-side indoor game with no goalkeepers or kicking backs
- All players must bring their own equipment including sticks and GO Mammoth strongly encourages the use of shin-pads, gloves and gumshields.
- No Hitting, either on the reverse or open stick is allowed during the game, this includes ‘slapping’ the ball. Players sticks should remain held low and below knee height throughout the game time.
- The ball should remain in contact with the floor at all times and should not be lifted while passing, dribbling or shooting.
- The side walls can be used and the ball remains in play unless a foul occurs, an umpire stops play, the ball travels over an end line or a goal is scored.
- In the case of any centre pass, baseline restart or free hit being awarded, all players must be at least 3 metres away from the ball carrier.
- Baseline Restart – (equivalent of a ‘16’ hit) – If the ball has travelled over the baseline, regardless of the last team to the touch the ball, then play restarts with the opposition in possession from the top left corner of the ‘D’
- Baseline Restart – (equivalent of a long corner) – If the ball has travelled over the baseline and was intentionally last hit by the defending team then play restarts with the opposition in possession 3m from the ‘D’ inline with where the ball went out of play. The ball must then travel three metres before a shot can be taken.
- One match umpire will officiate the game and the umpire’s word is final.
- Penalty Goals will be awarded instead of Strokes being taken.
- Penalty corners will be replaced by ‘Challenges’. The procedure for a challenge is as follows:
- All other players must position themselves in the opposition ‘D’ aside from one attacking and one defending player.
- An attacking player starts with the ball on the half way line.
- The defending player may start anywhere in the defending ‘D’ and may only use their stick to stop the ball.
- The whistle is blown when the attacking player and defending player are in position.
- As soon as the attacking player plays the ball, the players in the defending ‘D’ are permitted to re-engage with the game and play continues as normal.
- Any attacking player and any defending player can be chosen to complete each ‘challenge’.
- ‘Challenges’ are awarded when the attacking team has been fouled in the opposing ‘D’ or intentionally fouled in the opposing half which would likely have resulted in a circle penetration.
- Goals may only be scored from within the attacking ‘D’. The ball must hit the bottom of the backboard to score a goal and cannot be lifted over the sticks of defending players.
- The ball should not be passed forcibly through defending players within 3 metres, instead the ball should be played around players directly lined up in front of the ball player and showing a flat stick.
- There should only be 3 points of contact at any one stage for a defending player with the floor (eg. 2 feet and stick hand). At no stage should a player play the ball while on their knees or having a knee, two knees or hand out of contact with their stick in contact with the floor.
- After a goal is scored play will resume from the centre of the pitch and will be passed by the team who conceded the goal.
- Players must only use one side of the stick (flat side).
- Players must not touch or interfere with opposition players or their playing equipment including their stick.
- Players must not play the ball dangerously or in a way which leads to dangerous play.
- Players must not play the ball in the air.
- Players must not tackle or attempt to tackle unless in a position to play the ball ‘cleanly’ without any body contact.
- Players must not waste time to gain benefit.
- Any persistent fouling, time wasting or unsporting contact may result in an individual player caution and/or suspensions.
Intermediate and Competitive level Rules
- Player Numbers – This is a six a-side indoor game with goalkeepers, 5 players on the field at one time.
- All players must bring their own equipment including sticks and GO Mammoth strongly encourages the use of shin-pads, gloves and gumshields. Keepers are expected to bring their own pads and helmets.
- Conduct of play for goalkeepers : A goalkeeper who wears protective equipment comprising at least headgear, leg guards and kickers must not take part in the match outside the half of the pitch they are defending, except when taking a penalty stroke.
- GO Mammoth will provide face masks
- The ball should remain in contact with the floor at all times and should not be lifted while passing, dribbling or shooting.
- No Hitting, either on the reverse or open stick is allowed during the game, this includes ‘slapping’ the ball. Players sticks should remain held low and below knee height throughout the game time.
- In the case of any centre pass, baseline restart or free hit being awarded, all players must be at least 3 metres away from the ball carrier.
- Baseline Restart – (equivalent of a ‘16’ hit) – If the ball has travelled over the baseline, regardless of the last team to touch the ball, then play restarts with the opposition in possession from the top left corner of the ‘D’.
- One match umpire will officiate the game and the umpire’s word is final.
- There should only be 3 points of contact at any one stage for a defending player with the floor (eg. 2 feet and stick hand). At no stage should a player play the ball while on their knees or having a knee, two knees or hand out of contact with their stick in contact with the floor.
- After a goal is scored play will resume from the centre of the pitch and will be passed by the team who conceded the goal.
- Players must only use one side of the stick (flat side).
- Players must not touch or interfere with opposition players or their playing equipment including their stick.
- Players must not play the ball dangerously or in a way which leads to dangerous play.
- Players must not play the ball in the air.
- Players must not tackle or attempt to tackle unless in a position to play the ball ‘cleanly’ without any body contact.
- Players must not waste time to gain benefit.
- Any persistent fouling, time wasting or unsporting contact may result in an individual player caution and/or suspensions.
- Fouls:
- Green Card: A green card is a warning issued to a player for a minor offence. It serves as a caution and does not result in the player leaving the field.
- Yellow Card: A yellow card is shown to a player for a more serious offence. The player must leave the field for a specified period, usually five minutes, during which their team plays with one fewer player.
- Red Card: It is shown to a player for serious misconduct, deliberate foul play, or repeated offences. The player is sent off the field and their team must continue with one fewer player for the remainder of the match.
- Short corners:
- Time and play stop to allow teams to prepare and put on face masks (1 min max)
- The ball is placed on the back-line inside the circle, at least 6 metres from the goal-post on the preferred side.
- The attacker taking the push must keep one foot outside the pitch and push the ball without raising it.
- Other attackers must be outside the circle with no body part touching the ground inside.
- Defenders must be positioned behind the back-line, with some variations depending on the presence of a goalkeeper.
- No other attacker can enter the circle until the ball has been played, and no defender can cross the back-line or a point 9 metres from the back-line.
- The attacker taking the push cannot play the ball again until another player has touched it.
- A goal can only be scored if the ball has travelled outside the circle.
- Defenders must not block the shot without attempting to play the ball, and specific rules apply if a defender is within three metres of the shot.
These rules no longer apply if the ball travels more than 3 metres from the circle.