GO Mammoth levels of play explained
Recreational level is the entry level for people who are out to try a new team sport but with the emphasis on ‘fun’ rather than being ‘mega-competitive’. Most players have not played on an organized team before or have only played for a couple of seasons. This is a great level for beginning teams to get involved in GO Mammoth, find their footing and put their team on the map.
The temperature for Intermediate heats up a bit more compared to Recreational. Participants have a solid grasp of the rules, and want to step things up a touch. Once you’ve played a season or two at the Recreational level this is a natural progression if you’re looking for that extra challenge
Get your game face on and get in the zone! This level is for those players who ‘have played a bit in the past’… think… school, university, club play. Players tend to have played the sport for most of their lives quite regularly and as such expect to face some high quality competition. This is a great level for teams who thrive on the pure competition of sport and want to begin their journey towards professional legends!
The Open level is available to all levels of play. It is “open” to everyone. It is a combination of skill levels that usually skews towards the intermediate level, depending on the sport.